bob World hAAckathon in association with Sahamati 2022

07 Nov 2022

The Account Aggregator (AA) framework is the next big disruptor and has the potential to change the lending and investment landscape in India. Under the Account Aggregator ecosystem, customers can give their consent to share their financial data with other financial entities in a completely hassle-free and secure manner through the use of APIs. It gives customers greater control over their financial information as well as gives them the ability to share data lying in a disaggregated manner with multiple financial entities with ease, significantly reducing the time and effort when applying for a a loan or other services.  Bank of Baroda has gone live on the AA platform as both a Financial Information Provider (FIP) and a Financial Information User (FIU). 

There are two common pain points faced by financial services institutions in general i.e. Seamless Customer On-Boarding and Customer Engagement. In order to tackle the above pain points with the assistance of the Account Aggregator framework, Bank of Baroda has organized the “bob Word hAAckathon”. The aim of the hackathon is to leverage the AA framework to come up with ideas and solutions to solve for the above issues. 

Further, to enhance the participants engagement during the hackathon period and boost their knowledge pertaining on the evolving technologies,  products, services & systems available in Banking ecosystem for better contribution towards bob World hAAckathon, we have scheduled various sessions by domain experts at regular intervals .These sessions are done through Bank’s YouTube live platform.

Click here for registration