Sahamati BuildAAthon 2024!

Sahamati BuildAAthon 2024 was a hackathon organized as part of our annual Account Aggregator (AA) community event, SamvAAd 2024.

The hackathon was an exciting event, featuring innovative themes, masterclasses led by esteemed industry leaders, and opportunities to develop cutting-edge solutions for India’s financial ecosystem. Participants also interacted with a panel of distinguished judges and competed for exciting awards.

To listen to all the masterclasses, panel discussions, and AAsk Me Anything sessions, click here.

BuildAAthon 2024 Highlights

  • 10+ Masterclasses by esteemed industry leaders.
  • 630+ Participating Teams tackling challenges across 3 impactful themes.
  • Top 3 Teams showcased their innovative solutions at SamvAAd 2024.
  • Exciting Prize Pool for winners and finalists.
  • 1:1 Mentorship Sessions with domain experts to refine ideas and solutions.


  1. Democratizing Insurance and Investment Advisory for Indians
  2.  Empowering Customers to Leverage their Digital Footprints
  3. Risk Management Solutions for the Ecosystem

Sahamati BuildAAthon 2024 Winners

Sahamati BuildAAthon 2024 was a hackathon organised as a part of our annual Account Aggregator (AA) community event, SamvAAd 2024. The competition attracted 630 teams focused on developing innovative solutions within the AA framework to transform financial services in India.

The three core themes were: Democratising insurance and investment advisory, empowering customers to leverage their digital footprints for broader financial access, and creating risk management solutions to tackle digital fraud.

A distinguished panel of judges selected three winning teams, who had the opportunity to present their groundbreaking ideas at SamvAAd 2024 to an audience of industry leaders, policymakers, and technology enthusiasts. We are pleased to announce the winners across each theme:

1) Democratizing Insurance and Investment Advisory for Indians: Winner Team TrustSphere

The winner of the Sahamati Buildathon 2024 under the theme “Democratizing Insurance and Investment Advisory for Indians” is TrustSphere—an innovative solution that redefines financial inclusion for senior citizens in India.

Built by the talented team of Gyanendra Singh, Paras Pagare, Geetika Bansal, and Abhishek Narkar, TrustSphere serves as a digital financial companion for India’s elderly. Leveraging the power of AI, TrustSphere is designed to simplify complex financial processes, safeguard users from potential fraud, and assist with essential tasks like managing deposits, accessing benefits, and navigating insurance and investment decisions.

The team’s vision is rooted in empathy, aiming to empower a vulnerable demographic with user-friendly tools that prioritize security, clarity, and independence. TrustSphere bridges the gap between technology and trust, ensuring that senior citizens can confidently manage their finances in an increasingly digital world.

This groundbreaking solution not only addresses the challenges faced by India’s elderly but also sets a benchmark for how innovative technologies like AI and Account Aggregators can democratize access to critical financial services.

Click here watch the Team present in SamvAAd 2024

2) Empowering Customers to Leverage their Digital Footprints: Winner Team Nominee Ninja

The winners of Sahamati Buildathon’s Theme 2, “Empowering Customers to Leverage their Digital Footprints,” Nominee Ninja by IceBreakers, showcased a game-changing solution. Developed by Kamalika Poddar, Paras, and Omprakash, Nominee Ninja ensures families’ financial security with a seamless, one-click nominee setup and smart form-filling across all financial accounts, old and new.

By harnessing the power of digital footprints, Nominee Ninja empowers customers to efficiently manage their financial legacy, setting a new standard for convenience and peace of mind.

Click here watch the Team present in SamvAAd 2024

3) Risk Management Solutions for the Ecosystem: Winner Team Multi-lingual Gen AA Voice BOT-based AA consent

The winners of Sahamati Buildathon’s Theme 3, “Risk Management Solutions for the Ecosystem,” developed an innovative Multilingual Gen-AI Voice Bot for AA Consent. Developed by Accion and Reverie Language Technologies, this solution redefines how consent is managed in the Account Aggregator framework.

The AI-powered voice bot facilitates seamless consent collection over phone calls, supporting multiple languages to cater to diverse user bases. Beyond simplifying consent, the bot is equipped to clarify user doubts and guide them through the entire consent journey, ensuring a smooth and informed experience.

This groundbreaking solution addresses a critical challenge in risk management, combining accessibility, security, and efficiency to set a new benchmark for user-centric fintech solutions.

Click here watch the Team present in SamvAAd 2024

The winning projects demonstrated exceptional innovation and a deep understanding of the Account Aggregator framework, contributing significantly to the advancement of open finance in India.

Sahamati BuildAAthon 2024 Schedule

Date Day Webinar Topic
1 4th Oct 2024 Friday Hackathon Kick-Off

  • Opening Remarks by BG Mahesh
  • Keynote Session by Pramod Varma
  • Sahamati vision for data empowerment By Siddharth Shetty
  • Account Aggregator model as the cornerstone of driving Open finance in India – Current Trends and Future Evolution by Shalini Gupta
  • Hackathon Format and Explainer of Expectation and Judging Criteria by Abhishek Varshney
2 7th Oct 2024 Monday Session on Sahamati Net

  • Deep Dive into Account Aggregator Technical Architecture and SahamatiNet
  • Q/A Session: Ask Me Anything


3 8th Oct 2024 Tuesday
4 9th Oct 2024 Wednesday Panel Discussion on  “Leveraging Financial Data for Non-financial Use Cases”

Here’s the line-up of our esteemed panelists: Wriju Ray, Chief Business Officer at IDfy Prafulla Agarwal, Founder at TOKERE Vinay Pandey, Head PMA, DeenDayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY) Alexandre Kech, CEO, Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)

5 14th Oct 2024 Friday Panel Discussion on  “Complementing Financial Service Delivery with Non-financial Data”

Here’s the line-up of our esteemed panelists:

Kshitij Batra, CEO & Co-Founder, TEAL Bertram D’souza, CEO, Protean Account Aggregator Ltd. Tanya Naik, Head of Online Payments at Plural by Pine Labs Siddhartha Kohli, Head of Partnerships, TrustingSocial

6 15th Oct 2024 Monday
7 16th Oct 2024 Wednesday
8 21st Oct 2024 Saturday Masterclass on “Balancing Skepticism and Innovation: The Intersection of Entrepreneurship and AI”  led by Dr. Sanat Mohanty – Co-Founder, CEO, Pienomial, Omkar Patil – Co-Founder, CTO, Pienomial, Srinivas P – Co-Founder, Chief Product Officer, Pienomial

Sahamati Sandbox Environment Guide

Sahamati’s sandbox environment offers hackathon participants a space to integrate and test their AA protocol API implementations. AA Protocol APIs are available in the sandbox environment through the Sahamati proxy service at To gain access to the sandbox, participants should email their details to

For more information on onboarding procedures and technical specifications for the proxy service, please visit the Sahamati Developer Portal at

Participants can connect with the FIU/AA/FIP simulators provided within the sandbox, or connect with AA ecosystem members who have made their services accessible within the sandbox environment.

  • Sahamati sandbox offers AA API simulators that enable hackathon participants to connect with and receive responses from simulated FIUs, AAs, and FIPs. For detailed information on the simulator’s capabilities and usage instructions, please visit the Sahamati Developer Portal.
  • Sahamati sandbox also enables hackathon participants to connect with AA ecosystem members who have made their sandbox environments available for the hackathon. Participants can connect to these members through the Sahamati proxy service within the sandbox environment. List of participating members and their details will be shared with participants by the start date of the hackathon.

In addition to the Proxy service for AA protocol APIs, hackathon participants can also use the following services in the sandbox environment:

  • Fair Use Framework: Provides access to purpose code definitions, fair use parameters (which outline the upper limits for consent attributes), and fair use policies (which set the rules for validating consent and FI requests).
  • Observability: Provides dashboards that allow participants to review the details of requests and responses, including timestamps, status codes, and any error codes.

For more information on these services, please visit

Sahamati BuildAAthon 2024 FAQs

General FAQs

  1. What is the Sahamati BuildAAAthon’24?
    The Sahamati BuildAAthon is an Account Aggregator ecosystem Hackathon that aims to raise awareness of the RBI’s revolutionary Account Aggregator (AA) framework, empowering individuals and businesses by giving them greater control over their data. The hackathon will challenge participants to develop cutting-edge solutions around data empowerment, financial inclusion, and risk management.
  1. Who can participate in Sahamati BuildAAAthon’24?
    The hackathon is open to developers, finance enthusiasts, startups, and organizations interested in products around AA framework. Both individuals and teams are welcome to participate.
  1. How do I register for the hackathon?
    You can register for the hackathon by visiting the Devfolio Website Link.
  1. What is the theme or focus of the hackathon?
    The hackathon will focus on themes related to Democratizing Insurance and Investment Advisory for Indians, Empowering Customers to Leverage their Digital Footprints, Risk Management Solutions for the Ecosystem. For a detailed overview of the themes please click here
  1. What are the key dates for the hackathon?
  • Virtual Hackathon Kickoff: 4th October 2024
  • Registration Deadline: 20th October 2024
  • Masterclasses: 7th October to 20th October 2024
  • Project Submission Deadline: 27th October 2024
  • Winners Announced: 8th November 2024
  • SamvAAd Presentation: 19th November 2024
  1. What should the teams submit by the end of the hackathon?
    Teams are expected to submit a functional prototype of their project, along with a short explainer video that outlines their solution and its potential impact.
  1. Who will judge the hackathon entries?
    Entries will be evaluated by a panel of industry experts, including leaders from the BFSI space, experienced Techies, and representatives from Sahamati. For a detailed judges list please click here
  1. What are the criteria for judging?
    Projects will be judged based on the following criteria:

Common evaluation criteria:

Feasibility and Practicality: How realistic is the implementation of the solution? Can it be scaled and integrated into existing systems or ecosystems?

Technicality: How functional is the project? Does it justify the hackathon duration?

User Experience and Design: How user-centric is the solution’s design and intended experience?

Evaluation Criteria Specific to Themes:

  1. Democratizing Insurance and Investment Advisory for Indians
    1. Accessibility & Inclusion
  2. Empowering Customers to Leverage their Digital Footprints
    1. Innovation and Creativity
  3. Risk Management for the AA Ecosystem
    1. Impact for Enterprises
  1. What are the prizes for the winning teams?
    There will be one winner under each theme.
  1. Is there any mentorship or support during the hackathon?
    Yes, there will be masterclasses by esteemed speakers. Also dedicated “Ask me anything” sessions by subject matter experts which is planned during the hackathon period.
  1. How long does the hackathon last?
    The hackathon will last for four weeks, during which teams will work on their projects and submit their final prototypes.
  1. How can I stay updated on the hackathon?
    You can follow all updates about the hackathon on Sahamati’s website and social media channels. Regular updates will also be sent to registered participants via email.
  1. Is there a fee to participate in the hackathon?
    No, participation in the Sahamati Account Aggregator Hackathon is free of charge.
  2. Can anyone in India and outside India participate in BuildAAthon 2024?
    Yes! BuildAAthon 2024 is open to participants from both India and outside India. Whether you’re based locally or internationally, you’re welcome to join and contribute to this exciting hackathon.
  3. Is the hackathon open to both entities and individuals?
    Absolutely! BuildAAthon 2024 is open to individuals, teams, startups, and organizations. Whether you’re representing a company or participating on your own, you’re invited to bring your ideas to life.
  4. Can a single person register for BuildAAthon 2024?
    Yes, individual participants are more than welcome to register. If you prefer to work solo or haven’t formed a team, you can still participate and compete in BuildAAthon 2024

Technical FAQs

  1. Are there any channels for hackathon participants to ask questions or hold discussions?
    1. We will soon be launching the Sahamati Discord server, and details will be shared with all hackathon participants. Once available, you can join the server to engage in discussions and ask questions in the dedicated hackathon channel.
  2. How do I get API access tokens for accessing the sandbox environment?
    1. See Identity & Access Management details in the Sahamati Developer Portal.
  3. Is there a usage limit on Sandbox?
    1. While there are no specific usage limits, access may be restricted if any misuse of the APIs is detected or observed.
  4. Where can I find details about the AA protocol APIs?
    1. Detailed specifications for AA protocol APIs are available on the Sahamati Technical Resources page or at Additional information about the APIs and their flows can also be found here.
  5. What are the purpose codes available in the sandbox environment?
    1. See or the purpose codes are available at the ReBIT site
  6. Can additional purpose codes be used for hackathon solutions?
    1. Yes, you can request the addition of new purpose codes in the sandbox environment for your hackathon solutions. Please email your request, including details of the new purpose codes, to The codes will be reviewed and enabled in the sandbox simulators upon approval.
  7. Can I configure additional simulated responses in the Sahamati sandbox environment?
    1. Yes, Hackathon participants can set up mock FIU, AA or FIP within the sandbox environment and configure simulated responses for various scenarios. Request to create a mock member has to be sent via email to
  8. If I am creating an FIU app, does the Sandbox environment provide an FIU module?
    1. A mock FIU can be configured in the sandbox environment and used as the FIU module for FIU apps.
  9. Who are the AA ecosystem members I can connect with in the sandbox?
    1. We are in the process of inviting AA ecosystem members to participate in the hackathon. A list of these members will be published on the Sahamati Developer Portal once it is finalised.
  10. How can I simulate OTP Notifications?
    1. In the sandbox environment, simulators use generic OTPs for various scenarios. These generic OTPs will be listed on the Sahamati Developer Portal. Additionally, if hackathon participants connect with an ecosystem member, they should refer to the specific details provided in each AA’s sandbox for further information.

Sahamati BuildAAthon Themes and Format


  1. Democratizing Insurance and Investment Advisory for Indians
  2.  Empowering Customers to Leverage their Digital Footprints
  3. Risk Management Solutions for the Ecosystem

1: Democratizing Insurance and Investment Advisory for Indians

Insurance penetration is only 4.2% of GDP, compared to the global average of 7.2%, with higher premiums and claim rejection rates. Similarly, less than 5% of the population in India access investment advisory services. Markets like the U.K. have seen improvements in insurance penetration through Open Finance initiatives. The Account Aggregator (AA) ecosystem in India presents opportunities to develop innovative financial services and foster financial inclusion in India.

This hackathon theme challenges participants to create innovative solutions that make financial services, especially insurance and advisory services, more accessible and affordable for all Indians. The focus is reducing fraud claims, enhancing process efficiency, and leveraging new technologies to democratize financial services. Participants are encouraged to develop customer experience innovations that significantly improve usability and accessibility.

  1. Expanding Insurance Penetration in India
  2. Expanding Advisory Services beyond HNIs and UHNIs

Focus Area: Accessibility & Inclusion

2: Empowering Customers to Leverage their Digital Footprints 

The DPDP Act 2023 empowers customers to control and share their personal data across sectors. Through consent managers, individuals can manage their information to access services on better terms and stimulate product innovation. The Account Aggregator (AA) ecosystem is a pioneering implementation of consent managers, and the Act opens up exciting opportunities for innovation in the financial sector.

This theme focuses on leveraging the cross-sectoral potential of the AA ecosystem. We encourage participants to explore use cases allied to financial information available on the network and to explore financial applications of non-financial data, such as government records (transport, utility, land) and private data (social media, employment, e-commerce).

  1. Explore Unifying Synchronous and Asynchronous Data Sharing 
  2. Expanding Data Empowerment beyond financial services
  3. Complementing Financial Service Delivery with Non-financial Data 

Focus Area: Innovation and Creativity

3: Risk Management Solutions for the Ecosystem

Access to real-time data is critical for risk management use cases that provide actionable insights. This theme invites participants to create cutting-edge solutions built on the AA framework for fraud prevention and risk mitigation in the financial sector. The theme also encourages teams to explore privacy-preserving technologies that ensure sensitive customer data remains secure while providing meaningful analysis and insights to customers and institutions alike. Additionally, we invite teams to offer solutions that strengthen the regulatory and supervisory functions in the ecosystem.

  1. Risk Management Solutions 
  2. RegTech/SupTech Solutions
  3. Privacy-Preserving Technology

Focus Area: Business Impact

Hackathon Format:

  • Form a Team: Assemble a team of up to 5 members and register for the AA Hackathon. Each hacker must provide their individual details, but you can submit your application as a team (size 1-5).
  • Registration Confirmation: After registering, teams will receive a confirmation email to start hacking
  • Launch Event: Join the online kickoff on October 4th, 2024, featuring demos and sessions by industry experts.
  • Hack Period:Teams will have until October 27th, 2024, to develop their projects. This hack period will be supported by online masterclasses and mentorship
  • Submission Deadline: Teams will submit their project prototypes and a brief explainer video (max 5 minutes) by October 27th, 2024
  • Evaluation: A panel of experts will review and evaluate all entries
  • Final Presentation: The top five entries from each theme will present to the jury in the first week of November 2024.
  • Winners Presentation at SamvAAd 2024: Three winning teams will present their projects at Samvaad 2024 on November 19th, in Mumbai

Sahamati BuildAAthon Code of Conduct


This policy shall be applicable on all spaces related to Devfolio, including the following, as well as their online counterparts (if any):

  • hackathons
  • talks, presentations, or demos
  • workshops
  • parties and social events
  • social media channels, etc.

In addition to participants, this Code of Conduct applies equally to all sponsors and partners of hackathons, and to all projects that are made at the hackathon.

No plagiarism or re-using of past work

We encourage you to submit original projects only prepared in the duration of the hackathon.
However, if you decide to submit projects consisting of re-used code, or re-submit a project that you have already submitted previously to any other hackathon, you are required to disclose such previous use and its extent with the submission.

If upon inspection, it is found that the project has re-used code that was not disclosed with the submission, the organiser may ask the participant to point out similarities and differences between the old and new work, and/or disqualify the submission from winning awards automatically, at the sole discretion of the organiser.

No discrimination

Hackathons hosted on Devfolio are dedicated to providing a safe and comfortable environment and harassment-free experience for everyone. No discrimination, on the basis of the following, shall be tolerated:

  • gender
  • gender identity or expression
  • age
  • sexual orientation
  • disability
  • physical appearance
  • body size
  • race
  • ethnicity
  • nationality
  • religion
  • political views
  • previous hackathon attendance or lack thereof
  • computing experience or lack thereof
  • chosen programming language or tech stack

No harassment

We do not tolerate harassment of or by hackathon participants in any form, including offensive discriminatory verbal comments, public display of sexual material, deliberate intimidation, stalking, wilful disruption, inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome sexual advances, and the taking of photographs and audio/video recordings without the subject’s consent.

No recording without consent

While photography and videography is encouraged, other participants must be given a reasonable chance to opt out from being photographed or videographed. If they object to the taking of their photograph or video, you are required to comply with their request

If they express their disapproval after the photo or video has been captured, you are required to delete it from your records, and in case it has been shared online, take reasonable steps to retract it from social media as well.

You are prohibited from taking photographs in contexts where people have a reasonable expectation of privacy (example – in bathrooms or where participants are sleeping etc.).

Creation of a safe space

No sponsors, partners, or participants shall use obscene or sexualised images, activities, or other material at the hackathons for any non-permitted purpose. The use of sexualised clothing/uniforms/costumes, and anything that creates a sexualised environment is prohibited.

Intellectual Property

Subject to any existing third party rights already created, you will own any original developments made by you, and all rights, titles and interests in those developments, including the intellectual property rights therein. By posting your submission on Devfolio, you are granting Devfolio and its affiliates a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free license to use, distribute, display and reproduce your submission only to the extent required by us to provide services on the Devfolio platform. We will never try to steal your creations or use them exploitatively without your consent.

Always report

If you notice any violation of this Code of Conduct or find otherwise suspicious behavior or have any concerns, please contact a member of the hackathon organizing committee immediately.

We will be happy to help participants contact local security or local law enforcement, if required, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of the hackathon. We value your attendance and experience.

Consequences of violations

In case any participant violates this Code of Conduct, the organizer may, at their sole discretion:

  • expel them from the hackathon with no refund (if applicable),
  • block their access to Devfolio resources, including its website,
  • report their behaviour to local law enforcement.

Sahamati BuildAAthon Prizes


Theme Name Prize amount per theme
Democratizing Insurance and Investment Advisory for Indians Rs 1,50,000 Lakhs
Empowering Customers to Leverage their Digital Footprints Rs 1,50,000 Lakhs
Risk Management Solutions for the Ecosystem Rs 1.50,000 Lakhs

Note : 

  • There will be one winner under each theme

Sahamati BuildAAthon Speakers & Judges


Pramod Verma 
CTO, EkStep Foundation, Former Chief Architect of Aadhar, UPI and India stack
BG Mahesh 
CEO, Sahamati
Siddharth Shetty  
CTO, Sahamati
Shalini Gupta
Head of Strategy & Policy, Sahamati
Abhishek Varshney 
Sr. Lead – Partnerships, Sahamati
Anubhav AgarwalAnubhav Agarwal 
Vice President of Products (Head Of Product), Mobikwik
Kshitij BatraKshitij Batra 
CEO & Co-Founder, TEAL
Jay PrakashJay Prakash
Founder & CEO, Silence Laboratories Pte. Ltd.
Wriju RayWriju Ray 
Chief Business Officer at IDfy
Colin FernandesColin Fernandes
Vice President – Innovation
at Max Life Insurance Company Limited
Bertram D’souzaBertram D’souza
CEO, Protean Account Aggregator Ltd.
Siddhartha KohliSiddhartha Kohli
Head Of Partnerships at TrustingSocial
Prafulla Agarwal Prafulla Agarwal
Founder at TOKERE Tokenised Decarbonisation ·
Robert WardropRobert Wardrop
Founder & CEO of RegGenome
Alexandre Kech Alexandre Kech
CEO, Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF)
Tanya NaikTanya Naik
Head of Online Payments at Plural by Pine Labs
Vinay PandeyVinay Pandey
Head PMA, DeenDayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushalya Yojana (DDU-GKY)
 Saurabh Karn Saurabh Karn
Founding member at Sarvam AI



Megha Jain
Senior Advisor, Private Sector, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Lalitha Nataraj 
CEO, NPCI BHIM Services Ltd
Sugandh Saxena  
CEO, Fintech Association for Consumer Empowerment
Vaas Bhaskar
Principal, Elevation Capital
Susmit PatodiaSusmit Patodia 
Associate Partner, Antler
Mathew ChackoMathew Chacko 
Partner, Spice Route Legal
Aakarsh NaiduAakarsh Naidu 
Head of Fintech and Startups Head of Fintech and Startups
Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH)
Susanta Dash Susanta Dash 
Deputy Chief Technology Officer, State Bank of India (SBI)
Shivani KulkarniShivani Kulkarni 
Investments @ Prime Venture Partner
Ravi TyagiRavi Tyagi
Chief General Manager @ SIDBI
 Mr Sandeep Jethwani Mr Sandeep Jethwani
Co-Founder at Dezerv
 Natarajan Ramani Natarajan Ramani
Chief Product Officer, TransUnion CIBIL
 Susanta Dash Susanta Dash
Deputy Chief Technology Officer, State Bank of India