The Consent Template CT001 finalized by the Lending Use Case Council is tailored for the underwriting of loan applications, encompassing all related product types such as credit cards and lines of credit.

Loan underwriting and Loan monitoring are two different purposes, and hence, two distinct consents should be sought for these two processes. (Code of Conduct on the same is published here)

Consent Template Information / AttributesDescription / Upperbounds
Consent Template IDCT001
Use Case CategoryUnderwriting Risk
Use caseUnderwriting a loan application
License types consideredBank, NBFC, HFC, TReDs
Purpose Text (for customers)To process your loan application
Purpose Text (as per ReBIT)Aggregated Statement
Purpose Code103
Purpose Code Category NameFinancial Reporting
FI TypesAll RBI, SEBI and GSTN, FI Types
Consent TypesProfile, Summary, Transactions
Maximum FrequencyNA
Maximum FI Data Range14 months
Maximum Consent expiry1 month
Maximum Data Life1 Month
Last published on:31st May 2024

Please note that the parameters of the individual consent templates in the Consent Template Library represent upper bounds for the respective use cases, as decided in the relevant User Councils. The parameters in the consent templates should be treated by participant(s) as outer limit(s) and not be construed as legal advice in any manner. Participants are encouraged to review their use case(s) and ensure compliance with applicable laws, including the RBI Master Directions on NBFC-AA and the DPDP Act.

Sahamati will publish additional consent templates as the AA ecosystem evolves based on discussions in the relevant Use Case Councils and the Fair Use Committee. Existing consent templates may also be revised based on statutory and regulatory guidance, including the DPDP Act and the Rules issued thereunder.

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