Our Vision
We believe in a world where every individual has access and control over their data. We believe agency over data could empower Indians with opportunities to improve their own lives.
AA Alliance Organising Principles
The working of Sahamati revolves around all its members representing varied
industies and sectors willing to make data empowerment a reality.
industies and sectors willing to make data empowerment a reality.
The focus of the Sahamati AA alliance is to serve the needs of all its members, regardless of size, business, role or patronage to the alliance.
Sahamati governance is influenced by considerations of member’s voice, representation and expertise.
Membership supported
Sahamati’s funding needs are met by membership fees and sponsorships, with members acting as ‘owners’ of the alliance.

No Governance Capture
Governance is independent of the funding sources. The governance council is responsible for all decisions influencing members.