The Account Aggregator (AA) framework allows various types of financial information to be shared by Financial institutions (who are known as FIPs). Section 3 of the RBI’s AA Master Directions defines Financial Information and lists various information available from FIPs across sectors.  ReBIT, the tech wing of RBI, has provided Data Schema for the financial information that makes it easy for AAs, FIPs, and FIUs to work together seamlessly. 

Currently, five financial sector regulators have enabled FIPs to share financial information: the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI), the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority (IRDAI), the Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA), and the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance (DoR). 

Below is the list of FI Types that are enabled by FIPs on the AA framework under each of the Regulators:  


Sl. No.FI TypeRegulatorSchema StatusImplementation Status
2.0Recurring DepositRBIActiveLive
3.0Term DepositRBIActiveLive
4.0Commercial Paper (CP)RBIProposedx
5.0Certificates of Deposit (CD)RBIProposedx
6.0Government Securities (G-Sec)RBIProposedx
7.0Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)SEBIActiveLive
8.0Equity SharesSEBIActiveLive
9.0Mutual Fund UnitsSEBIActiveLive
10.0Exchange Traded Funds (ETF)SEBIActiveLive
11.0Indian Depository Receipts (IDR)SEBIActiveLive
12.0Collective Investment Schemes (CIS)SEBIActiveLive
13.0Alternative Investment Funds (AIF) UnitsSEBIActiveLive
14.0Units of Infrastructure Investment Trusts (INVIT)SEBIActiveLive
15.0Units of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT)SEBIActiveLive
18.0Goods and Services Tax Return (GSTR 1 & 3B)DoRActiveLive
19.0Insurance PoliciesIRDAIProposedLive
20.0Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP)IRDAIProposedLive
21.0Balances under the National Pension System (NPS)PFRDAActiveLive
22.0Employee Provident Fund (EPF)OtherProposedx
23Public Provident Fund (PPF)OtherProposedx
Last Updated 27th September 2023